Interview Feedback Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. How would you rate the overall communication during the recruitment process?ExcellentGoodFairPoor2. How clearly were the job role and expectations explained to you?Very clearSomewhat clearNeutralSomewhat unclearVery unclear3. Do you feel you were given an equal and fair opportunity to present your skills and experience?ExcellentGoodFairPoor4. How would you rate the professionalism and respectfulness of the interviewers?ExcellentGoodFairPoor5. Did you receive sufficient information about the company’s values, culture, and diversity practices?Yes, very sufficientMostly sufficientNeutralSomewhat insufficientNo, not sufficient6. Did the interview process reflect the company’s commitment to equality and diversity?ExcellentGoodFairPoor7. Were there any aspects of the interview process that you felt were not fully transparent?No, everything was transparentYes (If yes, please specify below)aspects that were not fully transparent:8. Any additional comments or suggestions to improve our recruitment process?Submit